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Al-Furqan Primary School

Al-Furqan Primary School

The Key to Success

Year 1 Gallery


Children had a fantastic time at Martineau Garden exploring different types of plants as part of our science learning.   They enjoyed the sensory tour of the gardens and learnt about growing food and healthy eating. 




Well done to all our Year 1 children for taking part in a wonderful sports day.

A huge congratulation to 1K for coming first,  I think we definitely have some future Olympians here at  AFQ🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️.











January 2024

In Science, children have been learning about animals and humans. They have labelled basic body parts and which part of the body is associated with which sense. Children have had the opportunity to identify a variety of common animals such as, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. They enjoyed their trip to Dudley Zoo where they looked at the five different groups of animals.


December 2023

In Computing, children have enjoyed the unit 'Digital Painting'. They used different tools such as fill and shape.



December 2023 

In Art, children have been doing observational drawings of shells.



December 2023

In Maths, children have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes.


November 2023


In History, children have started the unit 'Toys'. They enjoyed bringing in their favourite toy, to show the class.



English –

In English children created their own comic style adventure including a superhero and villain.






Maths – 

Children have been working on addition and subtraction within 20.




Art –

Children have been working on a unit called 'Spirals'. They made fast, slow and large scale spirals. 







Children learnt what bullying is and what to do if they are being bullied. They celebrated anti-bullying week by wearing odd socks and doing a variety of activities in their PSHE lesson.







English – October 2023

In English, children have been describing a superhero and are going to be writing their own comic style adventure


Maths – October 2023

In Maths, children have been comparing and ordering numbers and objects


Science – October 2023

In Science, children have been learning about properties of materials


Design and Technology – October 2023

Children have been creating their own moving part picture. We have seen some amazing designs




Maths – September 2023

Children have been counting forwards and backwards. They have also started writing numbers as words. 


English – September 2023

Children have been creating their own simple story based on the book 'We are going on a Bear hunt'. 


Geography – September 2023

Children have been creating their own map of the playground and adding their own physical feature. 


Design Technology – September 2023

In DT, we have been looking at moving parts in books. Children will be creating their own moving picture with a slider or a lever. 


In Art, children have been sketching. We have some amazing artists in Year 1.  


Year 1 are having an amazing time learning about the ‘Great Fire of London’. They were history detectives looking at clues to find out what happened and have re-enacted what happened.     

Yr1- Our School Area

Yr1 English Working Wall Display

Take a look at our lessons

Al-Furqan Primary School

The Key to Success
