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Al-Furqan Primary School

Al-Furqan Primary School

The Key to Success

EYFS Gallery

December 2024-

Children have been doing amazing learning in Reception.



Children have enjoyed reading the books written by the Author of the Term, Ian Whybrow. 


"I liked it when the dinosaurs went to the library." Anayah

"I liked it when the dinosaurs run away from Harry." Talin



November- 2024

Children have been learning about the topic, 'Long, long ago'. They have created amazing dinosaurs in school and at home.





October 2024-

Children have been observing the  weather in Autumn and have created a variety of paintings and collages using paint, leaves and twigs that they collected on their Autumn walks.



Children have been enjoying outdoor learning.



September 2024-

Children have settled in very well. They have been  learning about themselves and their world. Children made self-portraits.




January 2024-

This half term in reception we have been super busy with our ‘off on an adventure’ topic. Children have enjoyed going off on their own adventures in class and following the adventure of the ‘naughty Bus’ by Jan and Jerry Oke. They have looked at transport vehicles from land, sea and sky and created their own model vehicles. Children have created some amazing models of transport vehicles for homework as well which have impressed us all. A big thank you to all the parents who have helped support their children with these amazing pieces! 


Children in RL performed their very first class assembly about Prophet Nuh (AS). Ustada Danielle is very proud of RL for their performance and was pleased to see so many parents in the audience. Thank you for coming!

Children in reception had a wonderful first school trip to Ash End Farm. They had a brilliant time learning to be farmers ,They learnt lots about farm animals, animals mothers and their young and what food comes from the farm. Thank you to the Farmers at Ash End Farm for a fabulous day out!

Children in reception had a wonderful World Book Day dressing up and sharing some of their favourite stories with their friends and teachers.

Children in reception are really enjoying writing super ‘I can see’ sentences applying their phonics knowledge independently.

Children in Reception have been exploring the use of non-standard measurement with different objects. They enjoyed measuring each other using their shoes and comparing how tall each child was. They then measured their teachers too!

Children have looked at transport vehicles from the past and present and even created their own futuristic designs of vehicles. Children have created some amazing models of transport vehicles for homework which have wowed us all

Children in reception have made their own models of the Naughty bus, our power of reading book of the term. (January 2023)

Reception have been exploring Van Gogh art work and have created their own interpretations of 'A starry night'

In reception we have been writing instructions on how to make vegetable soup as part of our literacy reading book 'The Gigantic turnip'

Reception have had the pleasure of watching caterpillars grow and form chrysalises to becoming beautiful butterrflies. July 2022

Reception went on a visit to Ashend farm, Telford. We loved seeing all the animals and enjoyed petting and feeding them.

Reception had a wonderful time at wonderland, Telford. We explored many fairytales and had so much fun (June 2022

PC Adam came to visit reception and spoke to us about road safety. The children loved wearing his jacket and radio. (February 2022)

Reception have begun their 'Long, long, ago...' topic and the children have discovered some eggs in their classrooms! We wonder who could have left them? (November 2022)

Reception are writing great sentences using their phonics. Children enjoyed making and playing in their plane as part of our topic 'off on an adventure'.

Al-Furqan Primary School

The Key to Success
