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Al-Furqan Primary School

Al-Furqan Primary School

The Key to Success

Family Support


At Al-Furqan we believe in supporting our families. By supporting families in make the right choices, accessing early help as needed, and looking after themselves, we are investing in our future generations.

Our children are our future and we need to ensure we do everything we can to help them grow into strong, capable and confident young people and adults.


We have a family support worker who is available every Tuesday afternoon for support surgeries. Please ring the school office to book an appointment if you need support.


Messages will be sent out via Expressions updating parents on the latest topic and booking info.


Coffee Morning

Coffee mornings are held every last Wednesday of the month in the morning, in the parent’s room. These are informal sessions, refreshments are provided.


Please browse our website for links to parent agencies and community provision within our locality.


Below is a directory of services available, please select the icon to access further information;

Parent ESOL Class

Parent Sessions

We have had some really positive feedback for our parent’s wellbeing sessions. Delivered by Ashiana Community Project, these sessions are held on Wednesday afternoons from 1.30pm in the parent’s room. They have focused on looking at parenting styles, parents own wellbeing and the impact childhood can have on how young people grow into adults.

Feedback included:

 “It was great how everyone felt comfortable sharing their worries”

“Useful discussion in the workshop”

“The advice was useful and the women around me were really nice”

“Loved the slideshow, parents meeting and the activities”

“More workshops empowering parents with confidence”

These popular sessions will be continuing, and further sessions will be organised around health and wellbeing, physical exercise, and advice and guidance. Please contact Ustada Saima if there are any particular sessions you would like to see delivered in school.

Al-Furqan Primary School

The Key to Success
