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Al-Furqan Primary School

Al-Furqan Primary School

The Key to Success


Family Support Information- below are some web links for any additional advice and support


Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership


Birmingham Children Partnership- Resources


Benefits and Financial Support

The Department for Education identifies disadvantaged pupils as:

Eligible for Free School Meals or have been in the last six years;

 Looked After Children (LAC), or those who have previously looked after by the state, but are now adopted or are subject  

    to a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order;
    Children with parents in the armed forces.

Provision during pandemic-Please refer to page 5- Individual parents will be contacted by school


Home Work Learning Packs

Our Home Learning page has content to support home learning and workshop information, click here for details

COVID-19 Translated Resources


To help reach communities where English is not the first language, the government has developed new translated materials in a variety of languages. These are available at the links below:



Letter for parents about COVID-19 symptoms


Guidance from Department for Education


Public Health England have produced a letter which explains when a person requires a coronavirus test and what the symptoms of coronavirus are. 


The intention of the letter is to help prevent children being taken out of school unnecessarily and answer some of the questions parents may have around testing.

You can view the letter here.


Translation of guidance for parents and carers on early years providers, schools and colleges in the autumn term


Guidance from Department for Education


Early years providers, schools and colleges in the autumn term: translations for parents and carers


The guidance is available in the following languages:



Click here for any further information on COVID-19

Parent Letter from Birmingham City Council- Restrictions

Parent Information-


Dear Parents, we need your help! Please help our school and community stay safe by;

  • Always wearing a face covering when picking up or dropping off children.
  • Keep moving and don't stand in other peoples way.
  • Respect others and be patient when walking around the site.
  • Ask staff if unsure which way to go-they will direct you.

By working together we can keep children, parents and staff as safe as possible. Thank you so much for your efforts so far.

School Start and End of the day routine videos for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children, please see video link below.

Al-Furqan Primary School

The Key to Success
