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Al-Furqan Primary School

Al-Furqan Primary School

The Key to Success

Uniform Information



The children should wear school uniform at all times and please make sure that every item of clothing is clearly labelled. The school uniform consists of: -

Infant- Girls: Winter: Black pinafore or skirt with trousers or tights, red sweatshirt or cardigan, white polo

                                  shirt, black or white socks, a red hijab, black shoes without heels or heels no more

                                  than 1inch high.


(OPTIONAL)      Summer: Red/white checked dress, white trousers and red cardigan. Red hijab, black shoes without heel or                                         heels no more than 1inch high.


Infant-Boys:    Winter:    Black trousers (no jeans), red sweatshirt, white polo shirt, black or white socks, black shoes (no                                           trainers). Hair must be cut to one length only, fashion hair styles are not allowed


(OPTIONAL)      Summer: Black trousers (no jeans), white polo shirt, black shoes (no trainers).


Junior- Girls:   Winter:   Black pinafore/skirt with black trousers/tights, white polo shirt, royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt,                                        blue hijab, white or black socks, black shoes without heels or heels no more than 1 inch high.


(OPTIONAL)     Summer: Blue/white checked dress, white trousers and blue cardigan. Blue hijab, black shoes without heels                                        or heels no more than 1 inch high.


Junior- Boys:  Winter:    Black trousers, white polo shirt, royal blue sweatshirt, white or black socks, black shoes (no                                                  trainers) Hair must be cut to one length only, fashion hair styles are not allowed.


(OPTIONAL)    Summer: Black trousers (no jeans), white polo shirt, black shoes (no trainers).



Only a P.E bag, book bag and lunch box will be allowed to be brought into school. Ruck sacks, big bags or carrier bags will not be allowed.


For Physical Education it is a legal requirement that all pupils/students have a pair of pumps/trainers.


Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (KS1):

Plain black joggers, plain black sweatshirt, red t-shirt with school logo and trainers.


Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 (KS2):

Plain black joggers, plain black sweatshirt, red t-shirt with school logo and trainers. White unsewn scarf for girls.


Children who already have a school logo tracksuit will be able to continue to wear it for the next academic year.


For swimming girls need long sleeved black leotard with black leggings, swimming cap and a towel. The boys need black swimming trunks (not shorts) and a towel.


You will be able to buy logo school uniform from Mansuri School Uniform shop at 762 Stratford Road, Sparkhill and from any other outlet, or alternatively you can purchase non logo from other retailers.

Al-Furqan Primary School

The Key to Success
